What is this game?

What is a mud?

Will it have graphics?

What stage is it in?

What will it cost?

Who are you?

What makes you think you can do this?

Can I help?




What is this game?

 Well this is a cross between a mud/rpg/mmo.  It is a game where you kill things get exp and loot, to upgrade your guy/girl and lvl up to kill bigger things. More..


What is a mud?

Mud is a Multi User Dungeon.  It is type of game from the 90’s.  It was a predecessor to MMO’s of today.  WoW, EQ,DDO, and other MMO’s are based off this concept.  Except mud has no graphics or sounds. *except BEEP

Will it have graphics?

Yes! I plan to make it simple 2d graphics similar to first few Final Fantasy games.  Where you have a scene with mobs and players and combat is played out.  But the combat system will be similar to mud combat system, non turn based.

What stage is it in?

Current in early alpha.  I have only been working on it for a few months time.  I have basic combat,spells,items, monster, and room/movement system made.  I need to flesh out each system to give extra features as in sneaking,monster chasing, and PvP.

What will it cost?

For now nothing.  I am thinking of charging one dollar for the client and not sure what I will do with the server aspect of it.  I plan to only charge a buck for the client to cover server costs.

Who are you?

Me, I am no one. I’m just a simple hobbyist programmer.  But damn I enjoy it! More…

What makes you think you can do this?

Well I love to program and to conquer complex code and make it bend to my will.  But never said I will make the next biggest game.

Can I help?

Sure you can.  First got to plug the donate button.  But you can always send me an email at BearFather@BearFather.net and offer and see what I say.
