It’s been awhile…

So I have been pretty busy in real life with work and planning a wedding.  So my code time has equal null.  So I made my self a hr tonight to do some code.  I miss writing code so I had to write something to feel like I’m still a coder:)

So I worked on party spells. I got it so when you cast a party spell it goes through your party and cast it. That part was pretty simple. Couple of lines and it was working just fine. Only issue was the bless spell messages were kinda funky. So I spent about an hr to tweak on how they display. It now shows one line if you cast a spell on yourself “You cast bless on yourself!”, or if you cast it on someone else you see “You cast bless on zz!” and the target see’s “BearFather cast bless on you!”.

Just a simple little tweak which took more time then it seems like it’s worth. But it just that little bit of polish that looks nice. Anyhow, lets see if I can get some time in the next couple days to do some more coding.

Till next time…
