It’s all about the numbers

So got some time today to work on this some more. Ten hour days at works kinda makes it hard to get time to code.

So I started to work on the basic numbers of the game. Like spell casting, ac, attacks, and the like. I started with spell casting and got a basic system down. Pretty much taking mud’s system and tweaked my numbers to work with it, and actually made the game use spell casting(small over look). So it will roll between 0-100, and if your SC-spell difficulty meets or beats the roll spell will work. Otherwise it will fail. And tweaked the starting classes to reflect this. So when I put this is you will have to make new characters to get the correct spell casting. I also built the mana regen and gaining mana formula’s for leveling.

Won’t put these changes into the live game till I’m done tweaking all the numbers that way only one player reset is required. Instead when of a complete wipe every time I make a change.

Till next time…
