On the road again…

So fixed my issues today with the new user class for login in. Like I said it was looking at the player class for info before it was populated. So now everything points to the user first then the player class it has loaded.

I also got the login working with a menu, and then if you choose mud from the menu, it will then present you with a list of players your account has. And if you make a bad selection it just kicks you back to the main menu. The reason I do this is I’m being lazy and not making each menu it’s own class. You have the main menu, and option off that just link to some commands you can use. So it doesn’t move you around you just in the main menu the whole time. But if you enter mud it actually takes you into game. Altho I might change this up, cause might be better to track which “module” you are in. Maybe at a later date.

I hope that all makes sense, cause it makes sense to me. But that’s not always the best;) So next step I guess will be back to movement and being able to move around, then onto combat!

Till next time…
