Tad bit dusty in here.

So it’s been awhile, but I have finally opened this bad boy back up. I have had an idea that would fix the issue I was having when I walked away. So I dusted off the code and rewrote the login code to use a login token. It will slightly increase the login security and protecting the password, and cut down on the talking back and forth. This will also allow me to handle new users logins better. Maybe I can get rid of the disconnect issue.

Now I only updated this in the new client I was working on, so no way to play at this time. But I’m also looking at redoing the whole display system, but not sure if I want to open that can of worms quite yet. Don’t want to scare my self off. I want to finish of the tweaks I started before real life I got busy, and then ignored it. So plan to get that worked on in the next few days.

Also David I noticed you poking this dead animal, it’s not dead yet. Breathing might be a tad shallow.

Till next time…
