It’s working, well kinda.

So tonight I finished up making it connect and work. And after a few hrs dealing with timing, I got it to connect and display again. Funny if I didn’t set a variable fast enough it would zoom by the the while loop that looked for data coming in. So it would connect and not set the variable that told everything else it was connected and done logging in fast enough so half the program thought it was logged in, and the other half thought it was still logging in. So that confused everything. So I set the logging in flag as soon as it establishes the connection instead 1ms later in the next function.

So now I got it running, but attacking farm boys crashes your input. So need to see what’s happening there. I think that in deep in combat. Cause if you reconnect the farm boy still engaged but not throwing any blows. Kinda remember something about this before I shelved it. So time to dive into the combat system.

Till next time…
