Login smoothed out more

So tracked down the combat bug I was having to bad player data. So it was just stopping, it was weird no errors thrown anywhere. But in the process of hunting that down I found I was pulling DR off twice. So fixed that. Now that I got combat working and I was able to go around killing things again it was time to head back to the client.

So we rewriting of the connector I need to redo how it handle new user login’s and dupe names on new users in the client. I got rid of an old clumsy variable I was using and stream line the connection system better. So now making a new user drops you into game even if you have name issues. Damn that reminds me I want to do a pop up to display your password and user once it’s all done and set. Another simple project to get me going on another day.

So should have a working client out soon, and the server up to play again.

Till next time…
