
Finished the API

So as I said last time I started to play with mulpti socket channels and was having issues, so I put it on the main port. So last night I sat down to make a php page for the API, let me tell you I miss working in Nano! No […]


Top players and API

So sat here most the day trying to figure out what I wanted to code. I wanted to code but no clue what to code. Finally got the idea of an info channel. So after reading and trying to make multiple ports make sense and work in a test environment, […]


It’s been awhile…

So I have been pretty busy in real life with work and planning a wedding.  So my code time has equal null.  So I made my self a hr tonight to do some code.  I miss writing code so I had to write something to feel like I’m still a […]


What two post in one day…

So after I finished up the charm ability, I took a break and came back and started work on rebuilding the mob editor.  I basically started from scratch with the GUI and all the methods.  It was necessary since it was one of my first editor’s and missing quiet a […]


Charm away!

Ok so finally got some time to sit down today and work on the fucking charm bug,  I tried a couple work arounds to get charm to work correctly can they kept messing up too.  So I was like ok lets make a couple variables in the actual charm abil […]


Charming aren’t you.

So last night got charm working.  Most the time.  Some reason once in awhile the charm wont wear off.  I think it might have to do with charm wearing off and you recasting not sure.  But they attack and follow perfectly.  I made it an ability that gets added to […]


Let there be life, well afterlife

So I got a few hour after work and got raise dead working. Right now they are dumb and sit there. But they come back to life with half hit points, and after a certain amount of rounds they die out. I plan to make the limit your level/2. So […]


Found it!

So after walking away last night and just doing other things while I ponder the issue. So I woke up and got in the right mind set and started to play with the code. I rebuilt the methods to handle the two targets went thru everything dealing with the targets, […]


What an unproductive day!

So I had the alignment all done, just made aggressive mobs attack only players, but evil/good will attack the opposite. So I decided to show mobs in “Also here:” based on if they are hostile to you or not. Got that working, But I found a bug where if you […]
